The Modern Sharp Edges online class


If you are looking for a more professional finish to your iced cakes then my Modern Sharp Edges online class will show you every step that I take to achieve the perfect iced cake with sharp edges.

I’ve spent years perfecting my iced cakes and I’m going to show you my method that I use every time in my online class.

My sharp edges class will go right back to basics and I’ll show you each step that I take, from baking, right through to how I get my perfect sharp edges. I’ve also added a bonus tutorial on how to lustre your cakes to a get a high shine.

What’s included in the class

Recipes – my classic vanilla recipe and also a few of my favourites!

How to bake your cakes to achieve the modern ‘tall’ cake

My quantities for cakes from 4”-12” & my portions guide

Tools and equipment you’ll need

My timeline for baking and decorating cakes and all my baking tips

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How to make ganache to cover your cake

How to level, fill and trim your cake ready for ganache

How to apply ganache to your cake using the pro froster (no ganache plates used here)

How to ice your cake using the upside down method to achieve perfect sharp edges.

How to apply a lustre ‘shine’ to your cake

How to dowel a cake for stacking

This is an online course with pre-recorded tutorials that are yours to keep for life and watch back whenever you want. When you sign up to the class you will have instant access to all the tutorials in teaching platform called Membervault, plus you will be added to a private Facebook group especially for course members where you will have access to previous live demos and you can ask questions any time.

Purchase here :  The Modern Sharp Edges online class